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Develop A Robust Risk Management Plan

Risk management refers to dealing with the risks endangering to the safety and health of employees at the workplace. Thus, a risk management plan is designed to prevent these risks from transforming into hazardous incidents. It is the duty of each employee to take necessary precautions towards this goal. However, for their efforts to bear fruit there must be a coordinator directing everyone towards the right steps. Bizsafe level 2 training gives you the knowledge and information to formulating a robust risk management plan of a workplace.

How doesit benefit employees?

It should be obvious that risk management is a crucial task for every workplace and must, therefore, be treated with due respect. A Risk Management champion is the coordinator leading a risk management team that is recognised by all employees. These champions are responsible for coordinating all risk management activities. A crucial task for them is to develop a robust and functional risk management plan. They must also undertake the responsibility of its implementation once it has been approved by senior management. 

While RM champions are chosen for their active voice, ability to take quick decisions and concern for the safety of workplaces, they make lack the requisite knowledge to create foolproof risk management plans. Thus, they must undergo training to be able to perform this task optimally. 

Designed to Safeguard Employees

Bizsafe level 2 is a course recognised by the Workplace Safety and Health Council for the training of risk management champions. Programs like these help risk champions of different companies understand probable causes of various kinds of disasters. It also teaches them the best methods to deal with these risks and thus equips them with enough knowledge to develop a robust risk management plan.

Individuals will learn how to identify risks in the workplace during the training. They will learn how to develop feasible plans and implement them to combat these risks. This will be done by conducting system and operation reviews to understand resources available to them. Then conducting gap audits to identify steps to be taken. Once they've completed their analysis they need to consolidate their conclusions in a step by step, easily understood plan. This risk management plan will require approval from senior management before it is finalised.

Training is needed 

A robust risk management plan would ensure the safety of one's workplace, allowing the employees to feel secure while working. This might lead to an increase in overall productivity in two ways. One, by preventing injuries and illness that might have reduced the number of working days and two, by allowing workers to give in their best in an environment they feel safe working in!

To conclude, we can say that a key ingredient for developing a robust risk management plan is appointing a capable risk management champion and making him or her undergo government approved training via programs like Bizsafe’s level 2 training. After this, the success of the plan lies in the hands of the employees themselves as they are the key elements in its execution!


Nov 25 2019 10:47

How To Deal With Slips, Trips & Falls At A Construction Site

Many workers are faced with injuries daily at their workstations due to slips, trips, and falls. Fortunately, these accidents can be reduced with the application of several measures. In most cases, these accidents cost the company a lot of money which include compensation fees.  

An estimate of around 40% of accidents related to slips, trips, and falls occur due to negligence, especially when working at heights. This reflects the importance of the Construction Safety Orientation Course (CSOC) training, which is compulsory for every construction worker working in Singapore to attend. The course guides and teaches the construction workers on their responsibilities and prepares them for times of emergencies.

This is why the work at height course for workers is available to train your employees. They gain expert advice and skills on how to evade accidents when working at heights. 

Before looking at the means of preventing these accidents, we need to focus on why they occur. Slips frequently happen when there is not enough grip on the floor. Friction and traction are significant on the floor to avoid slipping. It is either through enhancing the footwear or the floor. Whichever the case, some of the reasons why slips happen are due to loosen mats and rugs on the floor, oily or wet flooring, spills and weather hazards, as well as extra smooth floors that do not have enough traction and friction. 

As for trips, they occur when your foot hits an object, and this leads to a loss of balance. Consequently, someone ends up falling. Some of the common causes of tripping include uneven flooring or walking surfaces, obstruction, uncovered wires and cables, clutters, uneven carpeting and lack of sufficient lighting. 

Here are some useful and effective ways to reduce slips, trips, and falls on a construction site.

Decluttering and housekeeping 

You can never overemphasize cleanliness on a construction site. It is crucial to maintain clean surfaces at all times, as this will help to deter any potential accidents. If you are unable to do so, employ workers to clean the surfaces appropriately and then consider hiring a third-party company to do the job. Some of the housekeeping duties they will assist you with, comprise of cleaning all spills on the floor, marking wet areas, sweeping away all particles and debris, removing all obstacles on the floor and ensuring the orderliness of the construction site. 

Without proper cleaning and housekeeping, changing the flooring and other items on the construction site is irrelevant. 

Using appropriate flooring 

If the flooring at the construction site is inappropriate, consider changing it for a better design. The floor needs to be coarse and with high friction to prevent slipping and falls. You do not have to change the entire flooring. You can modify the surface by making it a little bit rougher. Since it is a construction site, you may even save more on recoating the floor with the availability of labour and resources. 

Equipping staff with proper footwear

Do not let your employees get to work without the appropriate footwear. This may lead to trips and slips when working on the site. If they do not have the right and suitable shoes, you should equip them with a pair to prevent any accidents from taking place.  

Nov 12 2019 11:30

Why Responsibility Is Imperative For Construction Site Safety

Most construction site workers and bosses think that it is one individual’s role to ensure the safety of everyone. Well, unless you have a superman or woman in charge, safety is not always guaranteed. Thus, it is still imperative to have self-responsibility when dealing with safety concerns at work. In other words, construction safety is everyone’s responsibility at a construction site. You should learn to watch each other’s back as failing to do so can result in fatalities. In this manner, you must employ high levels of responsibility in all of your operations. This should minimize the number of accidents that happen at the site, and also ensure that everyone is protected, in case of any danger. Here are a few reasons why it is important to observe responsibility: 

Reduces the chances of accidents taking place 

When everyone stays responsible at a construction site, the chances of accidents happening are minimized by a great margin. The tools will always be kept at the right places, and the construction materials will be secured at the correct spot too. Even if there is no one available to monitor the safety measures, you can be assured that they are kept in place. 

Encourages participation from everyone at the site

The fact that everyone gets to participate in safety measures is a reason to appreciate responsibility. When people learn that it is their individual duty to ensure safety, they will do it without being told. Moreover, when you show them how good it is to be responsible at a job site, you need not wait too long to see the results. In fact, they will have higher morale of working as opposed to when you instruct them to follow instructions without their direct participation. 

To further prove this point, a lot of individual participation is encouraged in the bizsafe level 2 training, and this involves being responsible when you are required to do so. 

Makes safety easier to implement 

As opposed to one-person handling safety designs at a construction site, the idea of inclusivity of every worker is more effective. Imagine a scenario where an individual safety officer is to handle everyone’s safety at the construction site. This would mean that if he or she is unwell, everyone is susceptible to fatalities and injuries. Again, it is not easy handling the safety of everyone perfectly. You might find that there are voids and limitations that interfere with the daily operations. However, when everyone is involved in the precautions and safety, it becomes much easier to handle things at work. There will be no need for an individual to keep following up whether or not safety is implemented. Again, it lessens the work of a single safety officer, if present. 

Helps to lessen the effects of a tragedy or accident 

In case anything happens at work, and there are any injuries, being responsible individually will make sure that the situation is contained. This is through the acquisition of proper first aid kits and other emergency tools swiftly, to ensure that the damage isn’t stretched beyond control.

Nov 06 2019 16:25

Why It Is Unsafe To Use Cigarettes At A Construction Site

Smoking is one habit that can get you addicted quickly. Smoking may be great, depending on one’s perspective. However, it may pose several challenges due to the danger involved. Also, it matters where you are smoking. At a construction site, smoking may bare more harm than good. There are chances of electrical faults and fires occurring with just one spark of cigarette droppings. In fact, it is estimated that 70% of the fires occurred on construction sites are due to sheer negligence, and cigarette smoking is one example. Most construction safety courses encourage people to avoid cigarettes when working and any other drugs. But are you aware of the actual reasons why it is imperative to avoid them in the first place? Here’s why: 

Due to the risk of accidental fires

This is the number one reason why you need to avoid cigarettes at your work station. It is the leading cause of accidental, or otherwise known as man-made fires. Most fire fatalities occur when one person decided to smoke inside a workstation, ignoring the obnoxious risks posed on others. The best way to address this is to completely avoid smoking while working. By doing so, you will not only keep yourself safe but also ensure the safety of your colleagues and fellow workers. In addition, you can also encourage your colleagues to employ safety and avoid smoking while working. Inform them of the negative consequences, allowing them to stay mindful of their actions. 

As a boss, you need to be clear on why you don’t approve of smoking within the company premises, and that anyone found guilty will face harsh disciplinary measures. Additionally, mount NO SMOKING tags around the workplace, as stern reminders to employees. 

Impaired judgement

A construction site requires full attention and absolute focus; any shift in the mental sphere can result in wrong calculations and decisions that impact work. For instance, when dealing with machines, you cannot afford to be high on drugs. This will interfere with the way you operate machinery and any other equipment. 


They can either be on your body or on someone else’s body. There are numerous cigarette-related injuries on a worksite, and you can avoid them by staying clear of cigarettes during work. 

Now that you are aware of the harm that cigarettes can bring, it is crucial to implement safety measures to prevent any fatalities. One significant way is to create cigarette smoking zones for workers. You may not succeed in making everyone stop smoking completely. However, you can have them smoke under safety conditions, such as establishing cigarette smoking zones. This will be a secluded area in your premises that is set aside for smokers. It will help them avoid smoking inside the site. 

Nov 01 2019 10:06

Types Of Cranes Used In Construction Projects

Cranes are massive and essential machinery needed to do work on a construction site. But did you know there are different types? Read on to find out more.

Construction projects are usually very extensive and require a lot of machinery to construct the simplest of buildings. The various types of cranes are used for different purposes in a construction site.

A crane consists of different components like pulleys, booms and cables which enable it to lift, carry and lower down heavy machinery and construction materials. This machine is often used by the manufacturing and construction industry. There are different kinds of lorry cranes that are used for various purposes, and some of them are:

1. Mobile Cranes

One of the commonly used types of cranes is a mobile crane. This type of crane mainly consists of a telescopic boom attached to a mobile platform that can be wheeled, cat or rail truck. The boom is attached to the bottom of the crane which can be adjusted with the help of a hydraulic cylinder or a cable according to the construction projects.   

2. Telescopic Crane

Telescopic cranes are a little different than normal ones as they consist of several tubes attached to one other. These tubes are used to increase and decrease the size of the boom. These kinds of cranes are usually used to install steel truss or carry brick pallets. These cranes have the additional component at the end of the boom similar to forklift crane which helps in carrying brick pallets and other heavy objects.

3. Tower Crane

Tower crane is a modern version of a balance crane. These are usually fixed to the ground so that they can be used to lift heavy materials to great heights. These cranes can hold up to 20 tons of material to the height of 265 feet. To ensure the safety of constructors and operators, it is necessary to ensure that the crane is fixed on a concrete base and large bolts are secured for anchoring purposes.

4. Truck Mounted Crane

In this type of equipment, the crane is attached to a truck. The good thing about this type of crane is that it can easily be shifted to other places. These cranes consist of outriggers that are placed in horizontal and vertical positions to stabilise it during the process of hoisting.

5. Overhead Crane

Overhead crane is also known as a suspended crane. This is usually used in for manufacturing purposes or in a factory, these can easily lift a lot of load at one time. As the hoist of a crane is adjusted on a trolley, it can easily move along two beams.

6. All Terrain Crane

As the name suggests, a terrain crane can be used on all roads whether they are paved or rough. The only difference is that this type of crane consists of more wheels as compared to others. Extra wheels help in maintaining the balance of the vehicle especially on rough terrains and uneven roads.

7. Floating Crane

These cranes are basically used for constructing a port or a bridge. These can also be used for loading and unloading heavy materials from ships. These cranes can lift up to 9000 tons of material, so these can also be used to lift ships that are sunk in water.

These are some of the commonly used cranes that are used in construction projects.

Mar 13 2019 12:42

Factors to Consider When Buying A Crane

Cranes are essential machinery at any construction site. Without it, it can be very difficult to lift and move heavy materials or equipment. Purchasing a lorry crane can be a daunting and expensive task. There are so many models of cranes available in the market that it can be very difficult to select the right model. You do not want to buy a machine which will not be used in the field frequent

Mar 13 2019 12:41

What Are the Main Components of A Lorry Crane

Different types of cranes have different components which enable them to carry out various tasks. Read on for more insight into these components and parts.

Lorry crane is one of the essential machinery that is used on construction sites by different industries. A crane is a machine usually used to aid the construction process. This machine is joined with a mobile platform which is used for lifting and carrying heavy materials and objects. These machines are hydraulically operated and can quickly move heavy objects and materials. Below are the main components of a lorry crane that play an essential part in carrying heavy materials within a construction site:

1. Boom

A crane consists of a boom, and it is the most critical part of a lorry crane. It is the arm of a crane that lifts and lowers materials. The boom is situated behind the cabin of the operator, and it enables the crane to raise heavy materials to the required height. There are three types of booms that are used for different operations and purposes.

2. Jib

The Jib is another vital component of a crane – it is the extended part of the boom. The primary purpose of this component is to make the boom longer so that heavier materials can easily be lifted. Some of the cranes do not consist of a jib as these are designed to lift less amount of weight.

3. Rotex

It is the gear located below the cabin of the crane. This gear enables the cabin to rotate to a full 360 degrees, and it controls the boom with the help of a hydraulic motor.

4. Cabin

The cabin on the crane is joined on the deck, and it has a Rotex gear right beneath it. This gear helps the cabin in turning and rotating. This consists of the electrical control system for lorry crane operator to control the crane using the joystick and foot pedals.

5. Detachable Counterweights

The main purpose of detachable counterweights is to keep the crane balanced and prevent it from tumbling over. Professional operators use a specific formula to calculate the amount of weight that is required to keep crane stable. The amount of counterweight required depends on the load weight, the operational angle of the boom and radius of the boom.

6. Outriggers

The outrigger, similar to detachable counterweights helps the crane stay balanced during turning and other operations. Outriggers consist of three major parts; the leg otherwise also known as the beam, the foot or the pad. Sometimes they also consist of the float, and the main purpose of the float is to create a bigger base which helps in dispersing the force of the load.  

7. Steel Cable

Another important component of the crane is the steel cable. This cable is situated beside the boom and, the main purpose is to tie or secure the materials being lifted. There is a metal ball attached to the hook at the end of the cable. This metal ball helps in maintaining the balance of the crane when it is not carrying any material or any load.

These are some of the main components of a crane which enables it to lift heavy materials and work smoothly.

Mar 13 2019 12:39

Artificial Intelligence in the Construction Industry

Artificial intelligence has solved numerous problems in the world as a new technology. AI (Artificial Intelligence) is a simulated software application that is built with the aim of performing human-like traits. It is meant to mimic human intelligence to the extent of acting exactly like one and incorporated into machines for specific tasks. These machines are strictly made in the anatomical st

Mar 06 2019 14:42